How to deal with big changes in your life
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
― John C. Maxwell
How do you view change? In general people tend to view change in different way, depending on their frame of mind, what they perceive is changing, and how they forecast its affect on them.
Depending on how you view change, whether you embrace it, or try to stop it, you will have interesting outcomes.
If we take communication technology as an example. It is always changing, always evolving.
There was a time, in human history where language was mostly movement, body language, then voice and speaking went from grunts, to common words, then into more complex sentences. Over time, wall paintings, and pictographs in clay and stone, turned into words on parchment, reed and paper.
Reading was once the privilege given to only those who had been of the few aristocracy, clergy and scholars, but as technology of printing and distribution evolved, education and the ability to communicate via written language became the norm.
There was a time when all long distance or formal communications were only done via letter, then the telephone and Telex revolutionised international trade, then the fax followed and suddenly communication that used to take weeks took days or hours.
In ever rapidly increasing pace, we got the internet, email, and then instead of access to communication being only in fixed, stationary business locations, the smart technology of today where all communication can be at our fingertips in a second, we can look back and see that change is not only inevitable, it can also be very rapid.
Imagine if you had decide to fight against those technologies at any stage, what you might see, if you had decided to stop change, is that you would have just stopped yourself instead, and been left behind in the process.
Left behind with less opportunity and possibly more frustration, than had you have chosen to go with the flow of that change.
Understanding that change is always inevitable, is an important distinction.
Recognising that when changes come, growth is optional, is an equally important distinction.
If you choose to always fight change, you may find yourself struggling at times in ways you do not welcome.
When the control of that which will change, is outside of your control, but you decide to focus on the things you do not want to change, then you have decided to play on the side of frustration and loss.
If you choose to work with change, to decide to learn how to be more flexible in your approach - how to stretch your mind muscle to feel out a new way of being, then your new found ways, your new knowledge will be true growth.
It is important to remember that if a cell stops changing, when it shuts out that which feeds it and allows it to grow, then it will stop functioning.
When you feel you are struggling to cope with change, there are ways to reframe and let go of that struggle and learn new and exciting ways to be. It is possible.
If you need help in knowing how to change with changes occurring around you... then perhaps it is time to talk to a professional who knows how to help.
If this sounds like something you would like to discuss, perhaps see me,