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About Kerry

Dedicated to
Getting great results for you.

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I am a Clinical Strategic Hypnotherapist, Strategic Psychotherapist, NLP Coach & Trainer.

Providing Counselling & Mentoring along with Therapy

I care about you

My Values:

IntegrityRespect,  Compassion,  Authenticity, Trust &  Empowerment

My Philosophy:

"You are important, unique and valuable, and you deserve to live your best life. 

There may be aspects of your life where you feel held back somehow, that this feels like it is a struggle.   My role is to guide and to assist you to get connected with all the missing pieces that will not only help you to get unstuck - these skills can also help you with long lasting, skilful strategies for your best life."

If you prefer a quick 'no read' overview - here is a video

introducing myself & what we do

to help get you the results you want!


Hi, I am Kerry, and I welcome you to find out how I can help you to get the results you want now.

As a multi-disciplinary therapist, you can count on me to bring my skills as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Strategic Psychotherapist, NLP master, NLP Coach & Trainer & Counsellor to our sessions.  - I will work with you, as the unique individual you are, utilising an evidence based, integrative therapeutic approach to get you the results you desire.
I, like you, want you to achieve a much better headspace – a place of calm and comfort, the place where you access great skills and resources  you can easily use. 

Our sessions are the place we will work together to bridge any thoughts or skills gaps that are keeping you stuck, and in that process,  give you new improved strategies, tools and skills of your own – safe and accessible in that calmer headspace.


I am able to use a mix of all the professional modalities I have in my therapeutic toolkit, to provide a truly integrative approach that help you to get the results you want – with the benefit of applying these to your life for very long-term wider ranging, better outcomes.


These newly acquired capabilities, competences, skills, strategies and tools we develop by working together collaboratively for you –will continue to become easier to use and  will help you more easily navigate life to get the outcomes you want, to get the better life you deserve.


Basically, you can, like many of my clients, find the processes that help you to stop struggling and stop feeling stuck, where you form and retain new, more successful, and powerful behaviours and to have better skills that will deliver more freedom to you. Whether it is a specific issue or several or even complex issues, I am here as your therapist.  For those of you who want to engage an experienced  coach/ mentor to help you with your relationships, family or team dynamics, or business capabilities and performance building in work, sport, play or life – I am here for you too.   Perhaps the best time to start is now.. I am ready to help you now.

Your session:

Your session is a judgement free zone, your safe space, where your care is my sole focus.

My aim is to help clients to stop suffering, to stop struggling  and to 

stop feeling stuck quickly and permanently

I will provide to you, safe, high quality, evidence-based psychological support. Our work together focuses on helping you uncover and discover your resources and skills. Together we then utilize these by blending the therapeutic modalities which gives you access to real world skills to get the outcomes you really want and need for success in your life.

I care about you, because, I like you, know, that each individual is a unique soul that deserves to be deeply understood. We will find all those amazing resources we can use together to get you unstuck & to meet your goals. If you want assistance, my one goal is to help you - so if you are looking for help, You've come to the right place, I am here for you.

That is it in a nutshell - but if you want to know more...... 

I have a passion for wellness and excellence and assisting my clients to focus on achieving their goals by getting them past old obstacles

Helping clients leave those things that make them feel stuck, back in the past, where those things belong,  leaving issues far behind them so they can move forward without those blocks and obstacles to progress.

My client centric approach  empowers you to better manage your life.

My approach is to have a strong therapeutic alliance, one where we collaborate on creating an integrated, more cohesive and better way forward for you,  based on your real life skills and personal resources.

We do this by determining what to identify and what to address in those areas that may be holding you back from potential success, whether that is at home, socially, at work, in your studies, in in your careers,  in real terms - having success in life in general.


I can help you to develop better skills that will deliver more freedom.

I help my clients to form new, more successful and powerful behaviours that have them feel more empowered and freer to achieve goals.


My process is to bring my many years of working as a qualified therapist to our sessions, along with years of other work skills honed through being a successful corporate executive, manager and mentor, and also as a small business owner and as a volunteer with many organisations - because all of these organisational and process skillsets, I can be called upon to help you to create, develop and enhance your own unique set of skills and experiences to create newer better dynamics for successful healthy personal outcomes

Our work together focuses on helping you uncover and discover your resources and skills.

  Together we then utilize these by a blending them therapeutic modalities which give you access to real world skills to get the outcomes you really want and need. 


These unique and powerful framework of skills developed helps my clients reach their personal, social, family, work and professional goals.  Skills that are enhanced due to our  guided therapeutic approach.

Many years of working with people has prepared me with a broad understanding of strategic thinking and behaviour patterns that underpin and support sustainable high performance and achievement in both personal life and business / work life goals for my clients.

I will provide to you, safe, high quality, evidence-based psychological interventions. 

When you want to really feel more in control and empowered.. 

I am here to help you. 
Are you ready for a positive change right now?

Yes?  Then you've Come To The Right Place

Work that is scientifically informed   & humanistic inclined


Where the mind is involved in a problem (and it is rare that the mind is not involved),

there is therapeutic evidence of the potential gain by the use of hypnosis. 

(Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., 2012)

The best way to predict the future is to create it ...   (Gordon Young)

"Knowledge is not power. The Correct Application & implementation of knowledge is power!"

To start creating the future you want - get started with my help - now...


Feedback I’ve Received

What My Clients Are Saying

" I have had sessions with Kerry and have found the experience to be thought-provoking and transformative.

Kerry is very thorough with her preparations and questions so that she knows exactly how to help you.   Thanks Kerry"

Jennifer N (Business Owner)

" It's been a friendly, and fast process.


Kerry had helped me to effectively unlock and manage important areas in my life. 


Thanks to Kerry I was able to stop my bruxism. Now I can feel my jaw more relaxed.    Thank you"

Daniel O (It Solutions Consultant)

NB: Bruxism is Teeth Grinding (and Jaw Clenching)


 I have known Kerry for over 20 years as a friend and colleague. When she decided to become a Hypnotherapist it just made perfect sense to me that such a compassionate and caring person would take to the profession like it was meant to be.


In January this year I was diagnosed with a Stage IV brain tumour, Kerry and I have had a few sessions together over the last few months to assist in my mental state, sleep and reframing the bad into more positive and beneficial thoughts.


Kerry has provided me with recordings of our Hypnosis session’s each one was preceded by talking about my issues and then Kerry focused the Hypnotherapy directly to me so that it became a relevant recording that I could use anytime.


I would highly recommend Kerry a consummate professional who loves what she does and takes a holistic approach to your unique reasons for contacting her.


Kerry has always made me feel very comfortable and safe and that is something I really needed.


Roger W  (IT Consultant)


It's been a friendly, and fast process, Kerry had helped me to effectively unlock and manage important areas in my life. 


Thanks to Kerry I was able to stop my bruxism. Now I can feel my jaw more relaxed.

Thank you"

Daniel O (It Solutions Consultant)


 "I have known Kerry for over 20 years as a friend and colleague.


When she decided to become a Hypnotherapist it just made perfect sense to me that such a compassionate and caring person would take to the profession like it was meant to be.


In January this year (2019) I was diagnosed with a Stage IV brain tumour, Kerry and I have had a few sessions together over the last few months to assist in my mental state, sleep and reframing the bad into more positive and beneficial thoughts.


Kerry has provided me with recordings of our Hypnosis session’s each one was preceded by talking about my issues and then Kerry focused the Hypnotherapy directly to me so that it became a relevant recording that I could use anytime.


I would highly recommend Kerry a consummate professional who loves what she does and takes a holistic approach to your unique reasons for contacting her.


Kerry has always made me feel very comfortable and safe and that is something I really needed."


Roger W  (IT Consultant)


I came to Kerry because I was struggling with feelings of overwhelm and a lack of confidence in my abilities. I had so much going on in my life - working in my PAYE job and in private practice across 3 different locations, my partner and his 2 teenage boys had moved in with me, my sleep was bad and my confidence in my abilities to build my business was fading.

With a mix of coaching and therapy, Kerry helped me to improve my sleep, my time management and recognise the skills and abilities I had.


Once I was able to break down what I needed to do and record it in my diary I was able to understand the control I had of what was happening in my life.


I was able to let go of trying to keep everything I needed to do in my head – so liberating.


It’s like Kerry was the Marie Kondo for my mind!   


And I’m such a convert to using a diary – recording things in my phone calendar just wasn’t working!


With Kerry’s business experience she was also able to help me practically and mentally with moving forward with my business.


From working out the practicalities of moving my consulting location, to helping me plan the future direction of my practice, to realising all that I have to offer to my clients.

I have a clear view of the way forward now.                       


Thank you so much, Kerry, you are an amazing coach and therapist.".


Kate T  ( Mental Health Therapist )



Kerry has made such a positive and lasting impact on my life.


I called on her when I developed a combination of sleep anxiety and post natal depression.


Kerry's help comes straight from her heart and even in my darkest moments, she was able to make me see hope and believe in myself and my progress.


Every time I finished a session with Kerry, I felt so much better and I could really see that positive changes were possible; and in just a few sessions, she has helped me reach an entirely new, healthy pattern and I sleep better than ever.


She is always available via the phone which I think is extremely valuable.


I cannot recommend Kerry highly enough and no amount of words will really ever be able to efficiently express my gratitude for having Kerry's help.

Rebecca P - Mar 2020


" I saw Kerry to help with a problem of not feeling I had the skills and knowledge to pass my assessment for a course I was attending to start a new career.   


Kerry helped me to see how I wasn’t looking at it as a process of steps.


I was so worried that it was clouding my ability to function properly, and it was stressing me out. 


She helped me to learn to calm down and refocused my thinking, so I was able to successfully complete my course. Thank you, Kerry. "

Lorraine B (Health Professional)


Schedule your session today and start the process to get unstuck and find greater freedom.

All prices displayed in this website are in Australian Dollars (AUD)

Results may vary between clients. The results described in testimonials and reviews whilst true, accurate and verifiable, represent results that may differ from yours. People do not always respond to medication in the same way as each other,  and nor do they to hypnotherapy. There is the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. This is why Sydney Hypno offer a 30 minute obligation free period on your first visit. That half hour is to determine whether your request is reasonable and achievable, and to establish the process by which we are likely to achieve an outcome. If we do not think that your expectations are realistic, or you are not a good candidate for the process, we will inform you before commencing a treatment programme. Equally, if the process doesn't appear right for your needs. you can stop the sessions in that time and no fees will apply.  Just let your therapist know you wish to conclude at that point.

Sydney Hypno makes no claims that we can treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. The information we offer is intended for educational purposes only, not as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, health programme or attending a hypnosis session or coaching program.

If you have any of these issues - Please contact me - as I can help!

The list of issues where we can help is always growing.


Here are some examples where you can get the help you need and deserve now:

  • Anxiety- General Anxiety

  • Anxiety  - Specific Anxiety - Inc.  Performance Anxiety, School Refusal, or other task/event Anxiety

  • Anxiety (Inc GAD - Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

  • OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Compulsions)

  • Mood Disorder

  • Eating Disorder

  • Addictions & Dependencies

  • STOP SMOKING / Smoking Cessation

  • Control or stop Binge Drinking and alcohol dependency / Drinking Cessation

  • Stop Gambling /  Gambling Cessation

  • Problem Shopping

  • Stop addictions & other dependencies in their tracks

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Complex PTSD

  • Sleep Issues / Insomnia / Chronic Sleep Issues

  • Anger / Frustration / Depression

  • Procrastination (being stuck or unable to start)

  • Perfectionism 

  • Low Self Esteem  (feelings of not being enough)

  • Imposter Syndrome  

  • Pain Management, Nerve Pain/Phantom Pain, Non specific Neuralgia (Nerve sensation issues)

  • Chronic Pain

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) &/or Jaw Clenching

  • Behavioural issues

  • Overthinking  (Also known as Over rumination)

  • Depression

  • Panic Attacks

  • Migraine

  • Gastric related Issues ( Inc IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome )  

  • Support for Clients around Cancer Treatments (Team consolidation &/or Health &  Healing programs)

  • Pre Surgery & Post Surgery & recovery support (& Pain Management)

  • Injury recovery processes 

  • Weight loss, overeating, comfort eating etc

  • Eliminate 'The Yips"- ( Golfing Yips: Putting Yips, Chipping Yips or Full Swing Yips)

    • Sports performance therapy - enhanced performance   

    • Stop the Yips - Also known by other terms such as Jerking - Hiccup - Freeze - Trigger Freeze - Choking - stuttering etc

      • Yips elimination for all sports Inc. Golf, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Target shooting,  etc) 

  • Coaching - Enhancement of processes - via hypnotherapy, NLP & other modalities:

  • Coaching for Mental Processing - Visioning & practice for acuity & high performance in sports, business and life in general

  • Family Dynamics Therapy & Coaching

  • Team Dynamics & Business Dynamics - Therapy & Coaching

  • Suffering from Grief or Loss in the past, present or perhaps the near future

  • Compassion Fatigue Support

  • Support for change and collaborative processes to support other therapies being undertaken:

    • To assist with speech issues (Stutters/stammers etc) , hearing issues (tinnitus , sound focus), Physical recovery processes etc​

  • How to stop & enjoy life - pacing yourself

  • How to manage & deal with Cyber overloads, Techno-overload - Techno-invasion - Technostress - coping strategies

  • Eliminating bullying and trolling impacts - how to Prevent & Stop Bullying 

  • Phobias & Fears - a Phobia is a hypervigilance and fear that is overwhelming and can get in the way - and we can help with all manner of phobia - not just those that are listed.  ( Notable phobias may be - Fear of:  Spiders & Insects //Tunnels & bridges // Dentists (Dentophobia -odontophobia) , Needles (trypanophobia),  Vomiting (Emetophobia) // Blood (Hemophobia)  // Animals (cats/dogs/birds etc) - if you have a phobia - we can help you to fix it

  • Poor risk assessment  - causing poor choices or creating unfounded fears.

  • Couples &/or family Dynamics - Couples Counselling

  • Motivation and the processes to take active steps and participate again

  • Support for those suffering from chronic health conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/M)

  • Assisting with mindfulness with speech (Stammering, Volume, etc)  - Mindfulness around non mechanical based dysphagia (Anxiety) 

  • Whatever the reason you may have to choose to seek assistance - you can expect support, care and compassion - you can also expect to work together with me to create new better processes to assist you with life's obstacles & so much more...

It is OK to ask for help!  Sometimes the strongest thing to do is to ask for help.  I am here to help!


For Professional Coaching, Mentoring, Training or Guidance - Contact me - as I can help!

If you want to have professional Mentoring, Professional Coaching & Training for you, your family, your team I can tailor programs to suit you needs - just call and we can chat through your needs and options.

My intent is to be an integral part of your support and recovery team, helping with a collaborative and integrative approaches that work with and for you.

I love the following quote as it sums up my feelings around mentoring :

 I have lived my life to be a mentor, and to be mentored! Constantly.

  Everything in the world has been passed down. Every piece of knowledge is something that has been shared by someone else.

  If you understand it as I do, mentoring becomes your true legacy. It is the greatest inheritance you can give to others.”  John Wooden

Pivotal Hypnotherapy & Functional Mind Coaching


Telehealth Available - easy sessions wherever you are. 

Video App Sessions Available now: ZOOM, Teams, FaceTime, WhatsApp, & more (Just ask) 

Locations in non-Covid times in Inner West Sydney

(Marrickville & Wolli Creek client rooms) - Plus I am Mobile to Client Locations in & around  Sydney.

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©2016 by  - Pivotal Hypnotherapy & Functional Mind Coaching.

ABN:   34 137 510 751

We will treat one another with politeness and respect at all times and create a safe place. Every single one of us is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of judgement, free of fear, a space free of bullying and harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences and celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table


We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, Past, Present and Future

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