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SydHyp - IAP Gordonian Pillars Practitio

My Qualifications

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Clinical Supervisor 

Faculty of IAP (Institute of Applied Psychology)

Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy

Diploma NLP Leadership and Strategic Coaching

Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Accredited Clinical Supervisor (CSS)

ISPA Accredited Practitioner
College of Strategic Psychotherapists 

College of Strategic NLP Psychotherapists

Master Coach - College Of Strategic Coaches (ISPA)

Registered Strategic Hypnotherapist

Certified Practitioner Of the Gordian Pillars


NLP Master Practitioner

Time Based Therapy Certificate

NLP Practitioner

Advanced Strategic Psychotherapy

Generative Trance Practitioner (of GC)

Accredited Therapist

 Accredited Hypnotherapist/ Accredited Psychotherapist

Accredited Practitioner

Multidisciplinary Accredited Therapist & Coach

VERIFIED by Psychology Today

Other relevant info:

Faculty of IAP - ( Institute of Applied Psychology )
(The Australian Business Awards Training Excellence - Winner 2023)

Secretary of the International Strategic Psychotherapy Association (ISPA)
Vice President of the International Strategic Psychotherapy
Association (ISPA)

Founding Executive Member ISPA
Multidisciplinary Accredited Therapist & Coach (ISPA)

Coaching, Consulting and Mentoring for over 25 years  

First Aid qualified:  General First Aid and CPR

Working With Children Check Clearance
Qualified Trainer & Assessor (TAE40122)
Accredited Clinical Supervisor

Professional Clinical Supervisor

Over 25 years in Business  & in Corporate Management Roles

Inc Development & Implementation of In-House of:

Professional Mentoring, Coaching & Training Programs

ISO 200x (Development for accreditation)

Continuous Improvement Programs (CIP)

Project Management 

 Development & Launches of several successful new ventures

Over 15 years in Successful Small business practice


Founding  Executive Member ( ID# ISPA002 )

International Strategic Psychotherapy Association (ISPA)

Professional Clinical Member of the 

Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Inc (AACHP)

M.A.A.C.H.P. (Sup) - PCM # 2003441


Member of the Guild Of Australian Hypnotherapists (GOAH) - Membership # : 2022022

NB: As the above three associations are a members of the Australian Hypnotherapy Peak Body 

The Hypnotherapy Council Of Australia  (HCA)

I am also registered with the Peak Body :

Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) Registered Hypnotherapist


Clinical Member of The Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA) ID# 2017255;

Member of the AACBT - Australian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
(AACBT is a multidisciplinary national professional body for health and other professionals interested in the practice, research and training of established and emerging evidence-based behavioural and cognitive therapies.)


Australian Clinical Supervision Association Member ID # 00100


The International Association for Generative Change - Practitioner (2020)


Other CPD:

Michael Yapko - Advanced Strategic Psychotherapy ( 5 day Masterclass) 2019

Stephen Gilligan - Generative Trance Camp ( 12 Days ) 2020

Michael Yapko - Experiential Treatment of Depression ( Masterclass ) 2020
Dan Short - Depth Assessment ( Masterclass & Workshop) 2020

Robert Dilts - Coaching Resilience in Times of Crisis (Masterclass) 2022
Working with Children, Teens & Tweens - Amanda Dounis (2022)
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy (IBS) - Jayne Corner (2002
Metaphors Of Movement - Andrew Austin (2022)
Michael Yapko - Rethinking Depression  Anxiety (2023)

Yapko - Mindset Health - 14hrs -  -Rethinking Depression, Anxiety  & Hypnotherapy 

 Jeffrey Feldman PHD - Pain, Hypnosis and the Brain (2023)

 Joachim Lee - "Multichannel Eye Movement Integration' - MEMI  (2023)

Lynn Lyons - The Anxiety Audit (HIE - 2023)

Corporate &/or PD Training Seminars attended with part &/or full  &/or Multi Day courses with:

Anthony Robbins
Dr Jeffrey K. Zeig. PhD

Stephen Covey

Brian Tracey

Wayne Dyer

Zig Ziglar

Og Mandino

Dr. Eric Spiegel


Additional Certification and Training courses attended

Rogen Training
Rogen Presentation Skills

Marketing & Communications  (Cert)

Mercuri Sales Management 

Cert. Project Management

Dealing with Difficult People

Business  Challenges for Women 

Levelling the Playing Field


Anthony Robbins - Unleash the Power - 1998
NLP Prac /M.Prac  (Multiple Courses)  1991 -1997


Landmark Forum 1991

Landmark Relationships 1991


I also volunteer for various charities that support both

Human Welfare Focus

Animal Welfare Focus


Hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Hypno Aikido - Foveal Trance, 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP Coaching & Training, Mentoring

Take 2 - VUMU


Metaphors of Movement


CPD 2021/2022/2023

AHA -Su icide Ideation Workshop - (Led by Janine Nash - 6 hour workshop)

AACHP - Savvy Bariatrics Understanding Complexities of Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery - with Julia Lorent

AHA - Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery (MSI) - T. Ford

AHA - Trauma & PTSD treatment - Karl Smith 
Peter Marbutt LSCCH London School of Clinical Communications & Hypnosis) EMDR

Peter Marbutt LSCCH (London School of Clinical Communications & Hypnosis) CBT
Metaphors of Movement - Andrew T Austin

Attended short talks conducted by the following:

Dr. David B. Reid - Licensed Clinical Psychologist (Author of:  Hypnosis for Behavioral Health )
Michael Yapko,  Stephen Lankton, Jeffrey K Zeig, (Host Dr Robert Staffin)

Philip George Zimbardo ( American psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University. -known for 1971 Stanford prison experiment)

Karl Smith - there is no F in lemon

Dr Gabour Filo (Trance the dark side)  (2023)

Robert Hindreman PHD -- Enhancing Parts Work with CBT Framework (2023)

 Dr. Akira Otani and Dr. Ciara Christensen(july 2023)

If we can live a more compassionate life - why wouldn't we?

IAP - The institute of Applied Psychology - where I am now on the faculty - declares a clear intention to :

'take people on a great journey of self-discovery to your authentic self where you can strip away all the conditioning that no longer serves you.'

The best way to predict the future is to create it ...   (Gordon Young - IAP)

To start creating the future you want , perhaps the best time is to act now...

So, to stop waiting, to stop wondering, to stop suffering & 

to really start living your best life... it is time to act now - isn't it?

How do I choose a therapist? 


How do I know they are qualified and will provide care that is to an appropriate professional standard?

Here are a few really important questions you should ask when seeking treatment from any professional clinical hypnotherapist - These questions can help you decide whether your hypnotherapist meets the minimum reasonable industry standards  ( I answer each question here too)

  • Do you abide by a Code of Ethics?

    • Yes I abide by a Code of Ethics.  (Please see FAQ page on this website)

  • Are you a financial member of a Nationally Recognised Professional Body of Hypnotherapists?

    • Yes, I am financial member of several nationally recognised Professional Associations  (These are declared on this Webpage - see above)​

  • Are you listed on the HCA National Register (The Peak Body for Hypnotherapists) ?

    • Yes I am listed on the HCA National Register​. (Declared on this webpage. See above)​​

  • Do you undertake regular professional supervision?

    • Yes I partake in frequent, regularly scheduled, professional supervision as a member ( & additionally to required supervision, I am also a qualified Clinical Supervisor and provide Supervision to those in my field, in Group & in One on One supervisions, prior to my Qualification, i spent many years as a volunteer supervisor at the request of an association as a Clinical Level Member - recognised as qualified to do so by that Association )​

  • As a member of any national organisation  & associations can you show evidence of currency (i.e. A current dated and signed certificate of registration available) 

    • Yes - I can provide evidence of membership of all my associate memberships by displaying these to you and also as evidence by links to these associations provided anyone clicking on that Association/ Guilds logo (on this webpage) ​

  • What are the practice hours and do you need an appointment?

    • Days are generally Monday to Friday - 9am to 6pm - although appointments can be arranged on weekends and after hours only via prior agreement​

  • How much are sessions and are there any other costs involved?

    • Fees are provided via an emailed schedule prior to appointments being finalised.  Student and hardship concessions are available by prior agreement.  AS a volunteer with several Charities I also provide services at low to no cost depending on the Charity & Circumstances.

  • How long are normal sessions?

    • (Sessions average between 60 and 90 minutes, further details can be provided via discussion and confirmed via email prior to booking sessions).

  • What happens if the session goes over time?

    • Sessions are for declared & agreed time periods, however, if we for any reason go over the scheduled time, and if I have time, and you have time, and we can continue overtime, I generally do not charge added fees. ​

  • Are notes taken? If so, what happens to them?

    • A client intake form is required to book a session, this explains all the elements around privacy, confidentiality and how seriously we will be in undertaking full care of you and any records of your care and treatment.  (Also details can be found in the FAQ page on this website)​

  • What are your qualifications and are they recognised? ​

    • My qualifications are nationally recognised for my profession and by my professional associations and the Peak Body for my profession.

    • I have provided my qualifications on this webpage above ​


Most qualified practitioners should be able to show evidence and answer the above questions with great ease.

I would like to note here that if a hypnotherapist answers no, declines to answer, or cannot answer the questions or describe their processes, or adequately respond with clarity, to any of the above questions, or further, cannot show evidence of qualifications and where those qualifications were gained, and the status of the School / College / Training institution where the qualifications were gained - along with evidence of their membership of any industry based professional associations - then perhaps,  they may not meet the minimum industry standards as laid out by the industry Peak Body - The  Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA). 

In Quoting one of the Professional Associations where I am a member - please be aware that:

GoAH ( Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists)

"Professional, qualified hypnotherapists should not be offended by these or other reasonable questions. Hypnotherapists who do not meet industry standards may try to convince you that there are no standards. It should be noted that some organisations do not meet with industry minimum standards."

I am happy to discuss any of my qualifications, my processes, my care and methodologies and to start the process of understanding the issues that concern you,  so I may start to engage and help you ASAP  - you just need to start by clicking the following button - I am here to help -  so when you are ready.......

How do you choose a Clinical Supervisor


This is an important professional relationship - so make sure you have a good, functional, respectful and safe relationship with a qualified Clinical Supervisor.

Hello, I love the process of supervision and the collegiate atmosphere of working collaborate with likeminded colleges who want to improve their processes and practice to get the best outcomes for our clients and for our peers.

To me, Supervision is a place of quality non-judgemental professional support for those working in many fields.   Supervision can take several forms; given that Professional Clinical Supervision is a requirement for many in the health care professions & is known to be important to provide not only the health practitioner's / Clinicians' client care services that are optimal - but also to ensure that the practitioner / clinician is getting professional care & assistance with their own self care and professional development as high priorities, along with all the other important skills and development planning over time..

I am available to assist supervisees seeking professional Clinical Supervision – to not only to fulfil the criteria for that need to be met for their ongoing licence/membership with associations for therapists, but also to meet their clinics many related areas of development and success.  Professional Clinical Supervision I can provide include:

• Individual supervision

• Group supervision

• Peer supervision

Of course   Supervision, coaching, mentoring are all process relationships and overlap with

Coaching is more often seen in the corporate world and mentoring is particularly in favour in education. ‘It is important to note that as I am also a professional supervisor, coach, and mentor that all these things have so much in common, as they are all process relationships.

Essentially in all ways, it is important to professionally improve whatever practice you are in,  through discussion, review, reflection & relevant  development of skills and knowledge which can make a professional become their best, to give their best, and to attain the recognition and success they work towards. – I am here to help you in that pursuit of excellence, I look forward to excelling together!

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Professional Accreditations & Associations


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Qualifications: Inner_about

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"

William James

CH&SP - Smiling man - sunglasses - happy

Pivotal Hypnotherapy & Functional Mind Coaching


Telehealth Available - easy sessions wherever you are. 

Video App Sessions Available now: ZOOM, Teams, FaceTime, WhatsApp, & more (Just ask) 

Locations in non-Covid times in Inner West Sydney

(Marrickville & Wolli Creek client rooms) - Plus I am Mobile to Client Locations in & around  Sydney.

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©2016 by  - Pivotal Hypnotherapy & Functional Mind Coaching.

ABN:   34 137 510 751

We will treat one another with politeness and respect at all times and create a safe place. Every single one of us is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of judgement, free of fear, a space free of bullying and harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences and celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table


We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, Past, Present and Future

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