Strategic Psychotherapy & Clinical Hypnotherapy for Functional Mind Coaching
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PTSD - Trauma Release Therapy
You've Come To The Right Place to discover how you can...
Release yourself from PTSD
PTSD may seem unstoppable - but the good news is.....
PTSD can be stopped!
We assist you to stop having PTSD
by empowering you to create powerful, strong, self determining strategies
to stop any trauma from the past from intruding into your now
Past trauma memory that keeps running in your mind can hold you back - and you deserve to be able to move forward.
It is not going to serve you to continue to run the patterns of memory and the story of the trauma is it is the act of constantly running that trauma story that causes the trauma to feel more embedded and feel in that way feel unstoppable.
PTSD is where memories interrupt your life in your present - in the now.
Trauma Release is where we interrupt, and disassemble the PTSD - so it has no disruptive influence in your life going forward. You can be free from any PTSD disruptions.
You can move forward with true freedom from that old emotional or mental trauma.
The truth of the brain and the healthier ways of dealing with trauma is that a traumatic event will often serve as a lesson about what is dangerous - it alerts and informs us to be more careful in the future and to avoid future risks.
PTSD is where the brain is consistently flooded by the replaying of a traumatic event(s) even when the event or the danger from that event is long gone.
This consistent flooding of thoughts by the reliving or telling of the traumatic keeps the brain in a high stage of alertness - even when there is no risk or no danger in the moments of revisiting and reliving that event.
If you have any PTSD - then you already know that being in a state of constant alert, this hyper vigilance, thinking about past traumas and reliving old thought patterns is exhausting. Right?
The constant flooding of vigilance and stress related hormones may be how you often find you heart and mind racing just by thinking about something, just imagine how the constant thinking about that something starts to become a pattern of thinking and behaviours - as that pattern embeds - that is then known as PTSD.
It is interesting that the naming of the condition itself tends to hold part of the answer as to how the pattern can be recognised and how you will find release from PTSD..
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - POST means PAST - this is something that is brought into the now by recurring thought patterns - that is affecting your experience of NOW.
Even Complex PTSD can me treated with this Strategic Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy & NLP model of therapy,
PTSD - Trauma Release - Therapy allows you to put the past into the past and to recognise that the ability to be free from PTSD is through the use of a guided and secure and proven methodology. Trauma Release Therapys uses a combination of Strategic Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, along with NLP and other related methodologies.
Others have released and left those PTSD patterns behind and found freedom from intrusive memories and thoughts .
You too, CAN release and let go of the trauma that has been holding you back, You can and will get rid of the thoughts and patterns that have kept you stuck.
You deserve to be trauma free - to be able to move forward with your best life - Now!
What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition in which people report experiencing anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, &/or repetitive, intrusive thoughts about a traumatic event or events that they witnessed or experienced
According to the National Center for PTSD (USA), approximately 60% of men and 50% of women experience trauma at least once in their lifetime.
The amount of people who go on to develop PTSD from those traumas is relatively small – only 7 to 8 percent.
However affected individuals report that PTSD is a misunderstood, difficult condition that severely interferes with the quality of their lives.
If you or someone you love has experienced trauma, or is currently suffering from PTSD, it’s important to know how it affects an individual and how it develops - and even more importantly how and where to get help!
It is important to know - there is hope - there is help - and PTSD can be treated and left behind - permanently.
1. Impact or “Emergency” Stage
This phase occurs immediately after the traumatic event. At this point, the affected individual may be struggling to come to terms with the shock of what happened.
He or she may exhibit traits of hypervigilant, anxiety & possibly even be struggling with misplaced guilt.
it is important to note that at this stage that when treated by a mental health professional, the presentation of PTSD can change and improve and recovery can be rapid when addressed correctly.
2. Denial Stage
Whilst not everybody experiences denial when dealing with PTSD recovery.
Some individuals who may report they continue to experience strong feelings brought on by memories of the traumatic event. Some may attempt, either consciously or unconsciously, to try to avoid difficult emotions. It is important to note that those who are prone to using alcohol or other substances may be especially vulnerable to self created 'numbing' behaviour at this stage.
It is crucial at this point to get help and treatment to prevent other unwanted behaviours to establish themselves in an unhealthy 'coping strategy' that will lead to even more difficult & entrenched problems in the future.
3. Short-term Recovery Stage
During this phase, there are attempts to create immediate solutions to problems arising that are addressed.
The individual with PTSD will attempt to adjust to everyday life and return to a sense of normalcy. This stage can go both ways: individuals will either continue to accept help from others or they will become disillusioned and somewhat cynical. At this stage, nightmares and intrusive thoughts may continue and make everyday life difficult.
It is important to the full recovery and prevention of PTSD that the client get professional assistance, to get help and treatment to prevent the patterns of intrusive thinking processes and nightmares (inc flashbacks) .
4. Long-term Recovery Stage
As the name suggests, the individual continues to deal with the after-effects of their trauma, such as anxiety and nightmares. However, with treatment, these negative symptoms can be reduced and eventually completely eliminated.
With guidance and support from professionals, family, and friends, people with PTSD can expect to return to a calmer, fuller life - permanently.
Mental health concerns, whilst often difficult to discuss with loved ones and friends - when working with the right therapeutic process is a healthy supportive process!
Seeking help for PTSD will often be the best and most necessary step to take to give you back your quality of life:
The sooner you get treatment - the faster you can claim back your life!
The longer you leave it the bigger the problem may appear - however - no matter how long you may have been suffering from PTSD - you can still get help - get treatment and leave that pain and suffering of PTSD behind - and move forward with a life free from PTSD!
The good news is that it is never too late to get help - there is always a better outcome and a better way to think that will help to set you free from PTSD!
Get Help For PTSD - just start the process to freedom from suffering by booking a therapeutic session now!
"Kerry from Sydney Hypno can help individuals suffering from PTSD recover and begin to reclaim their lives." (BB - MHM)
I can work with you - using evidence-based treatment techniques and healthy processed to help manage and alleviate your PTSD symptoms and help you to eliminate PTSD completely - you can and will develop healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for not doing PTSD at all - ways you can change your patterns of behaviour - those old thinking patterns stop - so you can and will stop suffering now!