Strategic Psychotherapy & Clinical Hypnotherapy for Functional Mind Coaching
The Home of Strategic Psychotherapy & Functional Mind Coaching
Mind and Body Performance - Strategic & Executive Coaching
Knowing you want change is great, but discovering 'HOW' to change will free you!
Strategic Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Training, Coaching & Counselling
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IBS can be helped with Hypnotherapy
Gut-Directed hypnotherapy Works
-Scientific Research & Evidence-
For those who wish to investigate what evidence has been gathered from research into therapies offered, this can be a helpful place to start your research!
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy CAN help with IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is debilitating and can feel overwhelming... there is help NOW!
Gut directed Hypnotherapy has proven to be very successful in managing Harnessing the gut-brain connection *
• Gut motility: gut directed hypnotherapy has been shown to reduce distal colonic motility (how fast waste products move through the colon).
• Visceral sensitivity: gut directed hypnotherapy has been shown to improve rectal sensitivity (how nerves in the gut and rectum react to pain and discomfort signals).
• Immunological effects: preliminary studies have shown that gut directed hypnotherapy may improve immune system function.
• Central Processing: gut directed hypnotherapy has been shown to normalise central processing patterns of pain signals.
For every branch of the sciences there are those who have researched and
found evidence that can be used to discuss and examine outcomes.
Here you can find data that can help you to make informed choices.
I trust this can help you in your decision making processes - however -
to address TLDR - to cut to the chase -
Clinical Hypnotherapy is frequently acknowledged to be
the fastest and best therapies for relief from IBS
Lots of research shows this on this page - just click on the buttons
Hypnotherapy (treatment by hypnosis) for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
Cochrane: Published: 17 October 2007 Authors: Webb AN, Kukuruzovic R, Catto-Smith AG, Sawyer SM
Randomised clinical trial: the efficacy of gut-directed hypnotherapy is similar to that of the low FODMAP diet for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
I AP&T - S. L. Peters,C. K. Yao,H. Philpott,G. W. Yelland,J. G. Muir,P. R. Gibson
First published: 11 July 2016 80
The Handling Editor for this article was Professor Alex Ford, and it was accepted for publication after full peer-review.
Effects of Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy on IBS in Different Clinical Settings-Results From Two Randomized, Controlled Trials
ResearchGate: February 2012 - The American Journal of Gastroenterology 107(2):276-85
DOI:10.1038/ajg.2011.340 - SourcePubMed
Comparison of Hypnotherapy and Standard Medical Treatment Alone on Quality of Life
in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
NIH National Library of Medicine - PubMed Central
Korosh Shahbazi,1 Kamal Solati,2 and Ali Hasanpour-Dehkordicorresponding author3