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Hello Fellow Therapist & Coaches (Supervisees)


Thanks for checking out my Clinical Supervision services.

I, like you, know that it is important that you get a true sense of what Clinical Supervision is, and what it can mean for you .

Essentially, what you can expect from my supervision is a professional, friendly and supportive relationship that helps you to grow successfully with your business and the increasing mastery of your chosen field.


We will have a safe and true Working Alliance.  When you decide on your Professional Clinical supervisor, the relationship is so very important.

You will preferably want a supervisor/supervisee relationship based on ensuring you get professional support that is collegiate that can nurture that part of you that strives for excellence in your field and for success in your business.


A supervisor & supervisee relationship should allow for the development of you - in your professional, in your life, in your practice - giving you access to what it means to you to have professional values, identity and clinical competency, where every session is planned to help you become more skilled & successful, as a Coach &/or Therapist - and as a successful business manager - it is a relationship that is important that you know can rely upon, that you can trust.

As a Member of the Mental Health Services Community, your associations require you to have a minimum of either One on One Supervision, &/or Group Supervision - or a mix of both - I can offer both forms of Supervision to you, and in a mix that is dependant on your requirements.

Clinical supervision is an integral part of the ongoing training in disciplines such as psychology, psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, social work, occupational therapy and nursing. It is increasingly recognised as an integral component of the ongoing maintenance of self-care and good clinical practice for practitioners once they have graduated from their studies.

I am available to have a free 20 min chat with you as a potential Clinical Supervisees -So, if you would like to, call, text of email so we can arrange a time to have a chat and get to decide about us a fit.


I adhere to the APS Code of Ethics - which you can access herer:

To sign up and have a free no obligation chat - to see if we are a good fit - please just click on this button here:



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My attitude to supervision and what we do

Hello, I love the process of supervision and the collegiate atmosphere of working collaborate with likeminded colleges who want to improve their processes and practice to get the best outcomes for our clients and for our peers.

To me, Supervision is a place of quality non-judgemental professional support for those working in therapeutic  many fields.  


Professional Clinical Supervision is a requirement for many in the health care professions & is known to be important to provide not only the health practitioner's / Clinicians' client care services that are optimal - but also to ensure that the practitioner / clinician is getting professional care & assistance with their own self care and professional development as high priorities, along with all the other important skills and development planning over time..

I am available to assist supervisees seeking professional Clinical Supervision. 


The supervision services I provide is designed to not only to fulfil the criteria for that need to be met for your ongoing licence/membership with associations for therapists, it is also to meet your professional and your clinics' many related areas of development and success. 


Professional Clinical Supervision I can provide includes:

• Individual supervision

• Group supervision

• Peer supervision

Of course   Supervision, coaching, mentoring are all process that can overlap, and I have over 25 years of experience in all those areas and more.  Which is now brought into the practice of Clinical Supervision that I provide.

Coaching is more often seen in the corporate world and mentoring is particularly in favour in education. ‘It is important to note that as I am also a professional supervisor, coach, and mentor that all these things have so much in common, as they are all process relationships.

Essentially in all ways, it is important to professionally improve whatever practice you are in,  through discussion, review, reflection & relevant  development of skills and knowledge which can make a professional become their best, to give their best, and to attain the recognition and success they work towards.


 I am here to help you in that pursuit of excellence, I look forward to excelling together!

What is Clinical Supervision all about?
What are the First Steps?

The initial step in establishing a good relationship, what is a professional working alliance requires that time is spent on explaining the roles and responsibilities for the supervisory relationship as well as discussing expectations, tasks and processes for supervision practice.

An initial meeting with myself as your supervisor will be a collegiate, two–way discussion setting the clarity of goals and ensuring that all expectations should be articulated and made explicit.

There is a certain level of informality at this meeting as our discussion focuses on getting to know each other and building a potential relationship. This meeting provides an opportunity to discuss how we might work together, as well as discussing experiences and expectations of supervision and learning aims and objectives. Bascially a friendly, collaborative and collegiate meet up.

Health services research and literature very strongly indicate that good clinical supervision has many benefits to the supervisee, including such elements as improved clinical assessment and treatment skills and improved self-care for the health professional.


Also, Issues for clients are recognised more readily with the client and improving therapy efficiency and effectiveness for clients.

"Supervision is a complex yet navigable process that entails a number of roles and responsibilities that both the supervisor and supervisee need to engage in to ensure an effective and rewarding relationship is established and maintained" ( e. Carroll, 2000).


"Supervisors need to be not only skilled in their field and have been successfully practicing for many years, we also must undertake training to learn core skills to be an effective supervisor including ethical practice, tasks of supervision, education and reflective practice approaches "  (Barnett et al, 2007).


It is also widely understood that clinical supervision is an essential component for the development of clinical competence and should continue through each phase of the health professional’s career, adapting to their changing learning and developmental needs.


More about clinical supervision


Clinical supervision involves a practice-focused relationship between a designated supervisor and supervisee; it is a professional activity where the aim of this collaborative interpersonal process is to both promote and maintain standards of care for the clinician, this is through not only by developing theoretical knowledge it is also by developing more enhanced skills.


Campbell's (2006) definition directs our attention to focus on the supervision relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee as well as learning and maintaining high clinical standards that promotes optimum client care:


The Australian Clinical Supervision Association (ASCA) definition refers to skills development, the importance of ethical issues and reflective practice.  Milne’s definition is broader and also reminds us that the vehicle for these formative and normative functions is a supportive and restorative relationship.

Supervision is an essential part of professional training and ongoing professional development and is seen as encompassing a range of functions involving supervisor and supervisee.

It is designed to help better your clinical and personal experience.


I'm always looking to help my clients, students, trainees &  supervisees and colleagues to succeed in their goals.

Let me help you to enhance your skills and develop a life where your true purpose is known to you, so you can steer better towards and so you can achieve your goals  - if you want this type of supportive professional relationship too - then - Let's connect.

When you complete the client intake form - Let me know in the form a good range of times to call - so we can chat to determine a good schedule for either your One on One - or - Group Sessions!


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