We provide Video App Sessions for you - we connect and support you - know you are not alone.
Therapy - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy - video app supported!
Therapy designed to help you to manage and cope during anytime of life, when there is change, difficult circumstances, patterns of behaviour that don't serve you!
I provide Video App Sessions for you - we connect and support you - know you are not alone.There are so many way we can communicate with you and help you.
Video App Sessions are available now.
To get help quickly with issues you may be having it is easy - here are some options:
email: kerry@sydneyhypno.com.au Ph: 0412-412-881
Completing the Client Intake form: https://www.tfaforms.com/rest/forms/view/4758997
Or complete the web form on this site to arrange a contact. When you need help - we have a way of contacting you!
We use a variety of video apps. For Laptops, PC/s & Smartphones
Some apps we use are:
doxy.me. (The simple and secure telemedicine solution used worldwide)
FaceTime (Apple devices) WhatsApp (Android & other smart devices)
ZOOM, Skype, Facebook PM Video, Google based apps - when you want or need support - we will find a way - just call and ask if we can use your prefered method as well. We have been using video app technology for many years for client sessions now and clients report it is convenient, efficient and very successful in sessions for them.
Video sessions are similar to face to face in clinic sessions as via technology we also achieve very focused, face to face, private and therefore very therapeutic collaborative work.
Call to discuss how I can connect with you in a therapeutic and powerful way, just call on 0412-412-881.
